Wednesday 29 June 2011

Off to London..

Spent the last couple of days in New York purchasing items required for our new apartment. Almost have everything organised now for us to move into a comfortable & well set up apartment on our return from Europe on July 12. Moved out of the Harvard Club on Thursday & stayed overnight at a hotel near the Airport. Up @ 3:30 for our early flight to London.
Arrived on time, got to our accommodation in Aldgate, met up with our niece Allison & had an Indian dinner in Brick Lane. Quiet day Sat. catching up on some badly needed rest then off to Moreton in  Essex to catch up with friends Tony, Jan & their family for lunch. Had a wonderful day & arrived home late after escorting their niece back to her accommodation in London.

Lunch with Tony, Jan & family

Joanne, Nathan & Stacey arrived on Monday. Picked them up at the airport, fed them & sent them to bed.

The Parker People at Heathrow

Spent Tuesday checking out some of the tourist spots in London & that evening met up with Melbourne friends Adam & Anna for dinner @ The Nahm.
More touristy things today including a tour of the Lords Cricket Ground & a trip up the Thames to Greenwich where Jo & the kids have gone to see "Glee" @ the O2. More London touring tomorrow then off to Paris on Friday.

"There's Big Ben again..."

Terry & Nat at Lords

O2 arena in Greenwich

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